Dec 28th, 2012

Finally, all you Xbox gamers out there can play Brian Provinciano’s masterful 8-bit 80s tribute to GTA. Featuring every bit of spit and polish an added month of development can bring plus all the updates the PlayStation and PC versions already have received. This is one game you won’t want to overlook.

In Retro City Rampage, you play a character named “Player” who is a seedy type criminal working for a familiar face. All the characters in the game will be familiar to anyone who’s ever played games from the 80s. Player will come across the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Snake, and even the A-Team very early in the game. Their vehicles are cruising the streets and missions will play out very similarly to many of these franchises.

Its all a tribute, to each of a 30-something’s childhood memories of gaming. And without I game like Retro City Rampage I feel as though many of them will go unremembered. If all that sounds like a ton of fun, wait until you play the game in one of many retro graphical skins. Make the entire game look like an old Atari, NES, Amiga, Virtual Boy, or even monochromatic GameBoy.

There is a ton to do in the game and tons of enjoyment to get out of it. XBLA will be made a better service by finally offering Retro City Rampage to itsĀ gamersĀ and we hope you will get the chance to enjoy it for yourself when it officially releases on January 2nd for 1200 MSP